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The Mystic Imagination of St. Francis of Assisi: All Things as Kin and Soul-Guides, featuring Gabriele Uhlein, OSF, PhD, NE Theosophical Federation - CANCELLED

** The Mystic Imagination of St. Francis of Assisi: All Things as Kin and Soul-Guides**
Join S. Gabriele for a weekend of delightful mystic exploration in the lineage of St. Francis of Assisi. Using vivid visual imagery, we will consider St. Francis’ Canticle of the Creatures: a beloved teaching that honors our kinship with all beings (no exceptions!) and recognizes the universal call of all things to divinely participate in the web of Sacred Creation. In the Franciscan world even “Sister Death” is honored and welcomed as a holy soul-guide. Saturday evening will include a participative festive ritual to honor all our ancestral kin and collective relationships. Come celebrate the great cosmic family as St Francis would!
Gabriele Uhlein, OSF, PhD is a Wheaton Franciscan sister deeply influenced by Hildegard of Bingen, Francis of Assisi and Teilhard de Chardin. She lives and works at the Christine Center, a natural sanctuary for seekers of all faith traditions that is committed to spiritual deepening for global transformation. (www.christinecenter.org)
As a retreat director and facilitator, S. Gabriele is nationally known for her practical spiritual perspectives, she has written articles for Franciscan journals, and continues to promote the profound connection between creation, contemplation, and compassion in everyday life. As the Franciscan scholar and artist-in-residence at the Christine Center, art and imagery is a large part of her spiritual guidance and spiritual deepening offerings.
Program Fee: $100 and is a non-refundable deposit.
The Northeast Federation (TSA) through the generosity of the Sellon Trust and our members will help with the cost of the room and board. Members of TSA in good standing as of 1/1/18 are eligible for this scholarship.
The scholarship will be $130. $75 will be due for balance of retreat.
Singles are an additional $40 for the weekend.
Gabriele Uhlein, OSF, PhD