Pumpkin Hollow sponsored program

Spring-Into-Action Work Weekends

Program Image: 
April 11-13, April 18-20, April 25-27 Friday dinner through Sunday lunch

These work weekends offer a special kind of communion within the sanctuary of the Hollow and fellowship with one another. The projects are preparing for the busy season ahead: spring cleaning cabins and painting the cabins, planting the garden, and cleanup of grounds from winter . We invite all hearty souls to join us for morning meditations, nature walks, reflective evening activities and to share your time and energy in service to the Hollow.

All of these volunteer weekends are no charge. We ask everyone to please bring your own linens/sleeping bag and towels/washcloth.

Facilitator Information: 

Work weekends are organized by the Pumpkin Hollow community.

Contact Name: 
Pumpkin Hollow Retreat Center
Phone Number: 

Teachings From Loren's Shirt Pocket (theme): Annual program -yoga, meditation as a way of life

January 25-27, 2019 Friday dinner through Sunday lunch

Teachings from Loren’s Shirt Pocket - Yoga Meditation and Therapeutic Touch as a way of life.

**Our theme this year is ‘Teachings from Loren’s Shirt Pocket’. **

A warm welcome to those who wish to delve into Life! - share insights, reflective discussion and meditations on key spiritual teachings chosen and practiced by lifetime theosophist Loren Wheeler. For over 40 years, Loren and his wife, Carolyn served at Pumpkin Hollow as it expanded its outreach of upliftment and healing. The ‘teachings’ selected are primarily ones found in Loren’s shirt pocket the day of Loren’s transition, April 27, 2018 at Pumpkin Hollow. We will focus on these ‘teachings’ – brief handwritten notes – to inspire and support daily life as the field of spiritual practice.

Carolyn’s annual winter program always integrates Yoga, Meditation and Therapeutic Touch.

Meditation: Dora Kunz guidance informs our practice of meditation as a group or solo. We will experience meditation as ‘quiet with a sense of flow. Winter's pristine beauty and quietude at the Hollow are powerful energies affirming our group meditations as well as ‘time alone’to deepen one’s connection to Nature's healing energies of harmony and order.

Hatha Yoga & movement: based on Carolyn's lifelong experience as a yoga practitioner/teacher, professional dancer in the ecstatic dance traditions of India and the Middle East. The flow of light energy/consciousness is the foundation of her unique style. Carolyn offers individual attention which supports a person's well-being, - adapting all poses to individual’s needs and physical abilities. Laughter and 'being at ease' are important elements.

We will share Therapeutic Touch sessions. Everyone participates whether or not they have studied TT.

Carolyn Kay Wheeler RN, RYT, QTTT shares her roots as yogini, dancer and TT practitioner but also her rich experience of 30 plus years in residence in the sanctuary of Pumpkin Hollow.


Contact Name: 
Pumpkin Hollow Retreat Center
Phone Number: 

Fall Volunteer Work Weekend

Program Image: 
October 31 - November 2 Friday dinner through Sunday lunch

These work weekends offer a special kind of communion with the sanctuary of the Hollow and fellowship with one another. The project is closing down the summer cabins and preparing the camp for winter. We invite all hearty souls to join us for morning meditations, nature walks, reflective evening activities and to share your time and energy in service to the Hollow.

All of these weekends are at no charge. We ask everyone to please bring your own linens/sleeping bag and towels/washcloth.

Facilitator Information: 

Work weekends are facilitated by the Pumpkin Hollow community.

Contact Name: 
Cindy Bonura
Phone Number: 


Program Image: 
May 1-3, 2020 Friday dinner through Sunday lunch

The Gift of Silence

Come to Pumpkin Hollow in the early spring and reconnect with the earth as she explodes with life and we explore The Gift of Silence. Nature’s beautiful forms beckon us to receive the essential nourishment of existence. By silencing speech, we create the opportunity to deepen our communion with Nature and to become more sensitive to each other. Relaxing our mental and emotional energy patterns frees us to embrace enormous cosmic energy. Like a flower, we open and receive Nature’s flowing energy fields of vibrant color, pure sound, and soft caresses. At such times, we can experience inner calm and the spaciousness of being at one with life’s radiance.

On Friday evening we will gather to share our intentions before we melt into the ‘silence’ of not speaking. This retreat presents the challenge of becoming more aware of our patterns of thinking and feeling. Our group meditations and group activities will create a shift of focus. Through the four elements: earth, water, fire, and air, we will become alert and attuned to the rhythms of nature that support a healing process.

Earth—light gardening
Water—group meditation by waterfall
Fire—evening campfire
Air—slow walks on the trails
Peaceful contemplation
Early morning group meditation and light yoga
Time for solitude and personal introspection

It is the spiritual arrow of intentionality that guides and opens doors. It is the intention of Pumpkin Hollow to serve as a center of peace in the world. Come to silent retreat. Be at peace and contribute to this vibrant field, as we freely radiate peace and goodwill out to the world.

$80 plus room and board - go to the registration page.

Facilitator Information: 

Facilitators, Carolyn Wheeler and Leda Milazzo are long time Hollowers and devotees of the Gift of Silence.

Contact Name: 
Pumpkin Hollow Retreat Center
Phone Number: 
518 325 3583

Living As a Whole Person - Yoga Meditation and Therapeutic Touch as Helpful Skills

January 19-21, 2018 Friday dinner through Sunday lunch

Living as a Whole Person - Yoga Meditation and Therapeutic Touch as Helpful Skills

Our theme this year is 'Living as a Whole Person' - based on a pamphlet by Dora Kunz (a founder of Pumpkin Hollow and of Therapeutic Touch). We will explore the Yoga of Light: Yoga, Meditation and TT as integral and practical ways of ‘living as a whole person’. Included will be further exploration of last years theme ‘Conscious use of the Aura”.

Meditation: Dora Kunz guidance underlies our practice of meditating together as a group or alone. We will experience meditation as ‘quiet with a sense of flow (light energy and consciousness). Winter's pristine beauty and quietude are powerful energies to affirming meditation as a way of life.
Hatha Yoga and movement: based on Carolyn's lifelong experience as a yoga practitioner/teacher and professional dancer in the ecstatic dance traditions of India and the Middle East. The flow of light energy/consciousness is the foundation of her unique style. Carolyn offers individual attention which supports a person's well-being, - adapting all poses to individual’s needs and physical abilities. Laughter and 'being at ease' are important elements.

We will share Therapeutic Touch sessions. Everyone can participate whether or not they have studied TT.
Everyone will have time alone - deepening their connection to Nature's healing energies of harmony and order.

Through study of Dora Kunz' understanding of the human aura, participants are invited to deepen their perceptions of the human aura and the world around them using the practice of 'aura yoga' through hatha yoga, meditation and Therapeutic Touch.

Carolyn Kay Wheeler RN, RYT, QTTT shares her roots as yogini, dancer and TT practitioner but also her rich experience of 30 plus years in residence in the sanctuary of Pumpkin Hollow.


Contact Name: 
Pumpkin Hollow Retreat Center
Phone Number: 
518 325 3583


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