A Retreat with St. Hildegard of Bingen

March 23-25, 2018

St. Hildegard of Bingen was a 12th century "Renaissance" woman, whose visionary experiences informed her life, her music and her writings. This retreat is an opportunity to immerse yourself in St. Hildegard's unique and unitive imagination of the cosmos, and to experience her concept of "viriditas," that is, the "greening power" in the special environment of Pumpkin Hollow Retreat Center. We will explore her medicine, theology, philosophy of life, and music, while being enfolded in time for prayer, silence and time in nature. St. Hildegard's vision is particularly relevant in these times.

The retreat will include a meditative concert of her music on Saturday evening which is open to the public.

Contact Name: 
Melinda Gardiner
Phone Number: 