Bring Your Group to Pumpkin Hollow program

Prayers Around the Earth - CANCELLED

October 29-November 1, 2020 Thursday dinner through Sunday lunch

Expect a sweet escape for a long weekend of yoga, qi gong, meditation & communing. Garden grown veggies, hiking the hills & swimming beneath the waterfalls all in the form of prayer. Bless yourself as you commit some time to deepening your understanding of your practice & self.

Please contact Jes Allen for registration.

Facilitator Information: 

Jes Allen

Contact Name: 
Jes Allen
Phone Number: 

Savor The Summer - A Yoga Retreat in the Taconic Hills

July 31 - August 3 - Thursday Dinner through Sunday Lunch
Contact Name: 
Naghmeh Ahi
Phone Number: 

World Yoga Center/Ram Sangha Retreats (Private)

Program Image: 
October 7-9, 2022 Friday dinner through Sunday lunch

Anusara Yoga and Meditation Retreat - Taught by Senior Anusara Certified Teacher Trainer, Jackie Prete and Director of the World Yoga Center, Rudrani Farbman

WYC Summer Retreats are unique offerings to our students and community! The activities and practices of the retreat create a safe container for inner and outer transformation. Through our shared practices, a synergy between all participants occurs that serves to connect everyone to our own deepest essential nature.

As we unplug from cell phones, internet and our city lives, we begin to melt into the daily schedule. Inner transformation happens as we discover the silence underneath our thoughts and experience the beauty and power of nature.

Retreat includes:

2 Daily yoga classes
3 Delicious organic meals a day
Daily Meditation
Kirtan (call response chanting)
Swimming in the Taconic River
Evening Satsang in the main house

As we glide into a more spacious inner world, we will visit and dip into the refreshing spring waters of the river outside our doorstep! The sounds of a waterfall will accompany our meditation and asana practice.

A retreat day includes morning meditation, asana and restorative yoga classes, evening satsangs and 3 daily delicious meals prepared fresh from the Pumpkin Hollow organic garden. There will be time to play, sleep and read.

Our retreat has shared accommodations in lovely renovated cabins around the grounds. A limited number of private rooms are available.

Contact Name: 
Jackie Prete
Phone Number: 

Mid Atlantic TRAGER Association

April 13-15, 2018

Retreat is open to current and former TRAGER members: students, practitioners, retired and associates.


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